2020 was very surprising (but not all surprises were pleasant). It gave us an opportunity to take a new look at some things, to revise our views on workflow and life in general. We have learned how to work remotely and keep a distance, to measure body temperature at the entrance to the office, to monitor the use of medical face masks, and constantly treat hands with antiseptic. But 2020 also taught us to keep our heads up in any situation, find ways out from any difficult situations and go further.
Let’s leave all problems, worries, and disappointments behind – in the old year. Let’s begin our new one with fresh hopes and joyful expectation of a miracle. The Merusoft company wishes to celebrate the New Year with your dearest and nearest ones. Let 2021 make all the wishes come true, may the coming year bring everything each of you dreams about!
Good health to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year!